Client: World Bank
May 2022
The team at WhitePeak was engaged by World Bank to develop Agribusiness Diagnostics and Strategy for Ecuador and provide a sub-sector analysis of selected value chains. A significant amount of academic literature, government statistical data, and alternate research sources were analysed to develop the initial document. Subsequent to the on-field primary research and expert interviews, an accurate and comprehensive document was presented to the client. The final deliverable included:
- An overview of the agricultural sector in Ecuador including challenges, opportunities and the environmental impact of agriculture
- An analysis of the competitiveness of business climate and support services such as access to finance, storage, access to power, transport, packaging, and Market Information Systems.
- An extensive study of Value Chain nodes such as - Research and Development, agri-inputs supply, production and post-production, processing, and distribution and marketing and identifying constraints at each node
- Five selected value chains- Shrimp, Cocoa, Coffee, Banana and Horticulture were analysed on the following areas, Sub-sector specific background (Overview, Production, Processing and Distribution & Marketing); Investment considerations (Import/export parity); Sub-sector investment appeal (Cost, Quality, Supply consistency) and; Public and Private sector engagement opportunities (via short- term & long-term solutions)